■Nov. 27~28, 2024 “OMU & NITEP Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Quantum Vacuum,
Quantum Dissipation, and Cosmology”
Osaka Metropolitan University – Hybrid –
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an oral present
“Environmental engineering for quantum transport”
■Sep. 16~19, 2024 The Physical Society of Japan “2024 Annual Meeting”
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an oral present
“Heat flux dynamics under Markovian embedding”
■Sep. 16~19, 2024 The Physical Society of Japan “2024 Annual Meeting”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered a poster presentation
“Collective effect on the performance of quantum heat engine”
■July 21~27, 2024 “Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics”
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama delivered a poster presentation
“Dynamics of a quantum interacting system -Global approach extended beyond the Born-
Markov and secular approximations-”
■March 3~8, 2024 “ APS March Meeting 2024”
The Minneapolis Convention Center, USA
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an oral presentation
“Signature of Liouvillian exceptional point in stationary current noise”
■Dec.7~8, 2023 “Nagoya-KAIST GEnKO 2023 Workshop on Quantum Entanglement
Open Quantum Systems”
Nagoya University
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an invited talk “Environmental engineering for
Quantum Transport”
■Oct.17, 2023 Released: “Dynamics of a quantum interacting system: Extended global
approach beyond the Born-Markov and secular approximations”
■Oct. 11~13, 2023 “The Hybrid QBIC workshop 2023” (Tokyo University of Science)
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an oral present “Environmental Engineering for
Quantum Transport”
■Sep. 16~19, 2023 The Physical Society of Japan “2023 Annual Meeting”
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an oral present “Relaxation Dynamics of Open
Quantum Many-Body Systems”
■Sep. 16~19, 2023 The Physical Society of Japan “2023 Annual Meeting”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an oral present “Effect of Liouvillian exceptional point
on non-equilibrium stationary current in a mesoscopic system”
■Jun. 8~11,2023 “54 Symposium on Mathematical Physics”
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered a poster representation titled “Dynamics of a
quantum interacting system under local dissipation: Extended global approach beyond the
Born-Markov and secular approximations”
■Mar. 6, 2023 Released: ” Dynamics of a quantum interacting system: Extended global
approach beyond the Born-Markov and secular approximations”
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama
PDF: arXiv: 2303.02926 (to be published in Physical Review A)
■Jan. 1, 2023 Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has become an associate professor
since January 1st, 2023.
■Dec.12~13, 2022 “International Workshop “Physics and Chemistry of Electronic Materials”
Osaka Metropolitan University – Hybrid –
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an invited talk “Non-Markovian Effect on Quantum
Dr. Kazunai Hashimoto has delivered an invited talk “Non-adiabatic spin pumping driven by
a rotating magnetic field”.
■Sep. 12~15, 2022 The Physical Society of Japan “2022 Autumn Meeting”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an oral present “Nonadiabaticity in spin pumping
under the spinning magnetic field”
■Apr. 13, 2022 Released: “Effect of quantum coherence on Landauer’s principle”

“Effect of quantum coherence on Landauer’s principle”
Kazunari Hashimoto, Chikako Uchiyama
PDF: Entropy 2022, 24(4), 548(2022) arXiv:2203.16724
■Mar. 15~19, 2022 The Physical Society of Japan “2022 Annual (77th) Meeting”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an oral present “Effect of quantum coherence on a
thermal quantum information erasure”.
■Feb. 28th, 2022 “REIMEI Workshop on Open Quantum Mechanics in Nuclear, Hadron and
Condensed-Matter Systems”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an oral present “Non-Adiabatic Spin Pumping
induced by priodic magnetic field-a master equation approach”
■Apr. 28, 2021 Released: “Non-Markovian effect on quantum Otto engine: -Role of system-
-reservoir interaction-”

“Non-Markovian effect on quantum Otto engine: -Role of system–reservoir interaction-”
Yuji Shirai, Kazunari Hashimoto, Ryuta Tezuka, Chikako Uchiyama, and Naomichi Hatano
PDF: Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023078 (2021) arXiv:2006.13586
■Mar. 12~15, 2021 The Physical Society of Japan “2021 Annual (76th) Meeting”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an oral present “Effect of exceptional point on non-adiabatic
electron pumping”
Mr. Mitsuo Kato(M2) has delivered an oral present “Complex spectral analysis of quantum
synchronization between double spin domains via a common bath”
Mr. Yoshiaki Tanoguchi(M2) has delivered an oral present “Control of quantum energy
transport with environmental noise”
■Sep. 8~11, 2020 The Physical Society of Japan“2020 Autumn Meeting”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an oral present “Path interference and exceptional
point in electron transport through a two-level system”
Mr. Mitsuo Kato(M2) has delivered an oral present”Quantum synchronization between
double spin domains with various initial settings via a common bath”
■May 20, 2020 Released: “Lower bounds for the mean dissipated heat in an open quantum

“Lower bounds for the mean dissipated heat in an open quantum system”
Kazunari Hashimoto, Bassano Vacchini, and Chikako Uchiyama
PDF: Phys. Rev. A 101, 052114(2020) arXiv:2006.09960
■Jan.14~17, 2020 “The 6th International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems”
SPMCS 2020 Xiamen, China
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an invited talk “Non-Markovian Effect on Quantum Transport”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered an invited talk “Spin backflow: A non-Markovian effect on spin pumping”
■Dec.1~4, 2019 “International Symposium on Hybrid Quantum System 2019”
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama gave a poster presentation “Transport of light excitation under
environmental engineering”
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto gave a poster presentation “Non-adiabatic electron pumping by
bias voltage modulation”
Yuki Kawamura(M2) gave a poster presentation “Energy transport under quantum
environmental engineering”
Haruyuki Yamamoto(M2) gave a poster presentation “Interaction effect on spin pumping
under magnetic precession”
■Dec.9~12, 2019 Workshop “Quantum Information Processing in Non-Markovian
Quantum Complex Systems”
QIPQC2019 at University of Nagoya
Dr.Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an invited talk “Non-Markovian Effect on Quantum Transport”
Dr.Kazunari Hashimoto has delivered a poster presentation “Spin backflow: A non-
https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.09960https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.09960 Markovian effect on spin pumping”
■Aug. 8, 2019 HQS2019 “The 9th Project meeting”
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama has delivered an invited talk “Exploring protocols for autonomous
transport of excitation”
Dr. Kazunari Hiashimoto has delivered a poster presentation “Role of nonadiabaticity in
spin pumping”
Hiroyuki Yamamoto(M2) has delivered a poster presentation “Effect of Coulomb
interaction in non-spin pumping”
Mitsuo Kato(M1) has delivered a poster presentation “Dynamics of double domain spin
system coupling to a common bath”
■Jul. 17~20, 2019 “Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics”
FQMT19 Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama gave a poster presentation “Energy Transport through Quantum
Dr. Kazunari Hashimoto gave a poster presentation “Spin backflow: A non-Markovian
effect on spin pumping”
■Jun. 7~8, 2019 “Frontiers Statistical Physics 2019”
FSP2019 at University of Tokyo
Dr. Chikako Uchiyama delivered an invited talk “Master equation approach to line shape –
Role of initial correlation in linear response-“
■May 13, 2019 Released: “Spin backflow: A non-Markovian effect on spin pumping”

“Spin backflow: A non-Markovian effect on spin pumping”
Kazunari Hashimoto, Gen Tatara, and Chikako Uchiyama
PDF: Phys.RevB.99.205304(2019) arXiv:1901.04965